“…A shattered world shall emerge into the light.” (Helen Keller)

After a season of oscillating between paralysis and pivots, it feels like new things are slowly beginning to unfold. We are beginning to whisper words and dream dreams of cautious optimism.

“Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light” Helen Keller

Shattered is a visceral word.

But isn’t that how the pandemic has felt?

Our physical health has been jeopardized.

Communities have experienced division and polarization. 

Isolation and loneliness have been experienced at what was for many, a previously unknown level. 

The disparate and unjust impact of the pandemic has highlighted the broken and exploitative systems in our world.

And yet.

These times of challenge have also allowed for the resiliency and creativity of humankind to shine through in new ways. 

Friends and neighbours delivered groceries and care packages. 

New ways of connecting were established from zoom calls to gathering outdoors like never before!

And for Niteo, our partners in Uganda continued to show up and shine brightly in their communities. 

In 2020 Niteo issued microgrants to partners to respond to urgent needs related to covid-19 response. 

In 2021 Niteo libraries, like many other organizations, experienced much shifting and adapting. They remained open as much as possible. 

In 2022, as the nation of Uganda reopens its schools, Niteo partners are taking on new initiatives and new challenges to proactively respond to the changed landscapes of their communities.

“We are coming out of a deep deep ditch” shared Ducan Ahigika as schools re-opened in Uganda this January after 83 weeks of closure in his community. The learning loss is unimaginable. For many young girls, over the span of these 83 weeks they have left their childhood behind and become young mothers. What does their ongoing education look like in this new season of life? 

What role does a community library play in addressing the myriad of needs and challenges in its community?

Niteo and our partners are entering 2022 eager to respond.

Crucial conversations are being had to gather information and updates so that we can dream and scheme about how to further literacy equity in Uganda. We have a dream of transforming the learning loss and isolation of the pandemic into community literacy and joy, both globally and locally (stay tuned!). This will require our creativity, courage, and faith.  

In 2022, we invite you to walk this daring journey with us. 

Take good care,


Executive Director – Niteo Africa Society

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